
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Strong Black Woman's Favorite Posts of 2012

Happy New Year!

Here are some of our (and your) favorite posts from the past year:

The kicker of the pilot is probably when Mr. Lo sits down to prove he can name all of his children in order. He is not successful and skips over one of his sons after a few tries. Let us hope that Mr. Lo has learned how to 'wrap it up' and Oxygen will gain some sense and wrap up this tragedy of a show before it hits the airwaves next year. You can watch the pilot here but we urge you to join our #TwoPersonBoycott of this trash. 


Only 2.5 women made the short list for the TIME Person of the Year: Marissa Mayer, the new CEO of Yahoo!, Malala Yousafzai, the student activist from Pakistan who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban, and Hillary Clinton as half of the Bill and Hillary Clinton nomination.

What is Bill Clinton doing these days besides roaming around campaigning for other people? Yes, we are purposefully ignoring the many gains achieved by the Clinton Global Initiative.
We believe Hillary deserves this nod without the likes of Bill.

Smith has it right. If a person has Black skin, they are Black. That's it. It's not too complicated. Their political affiliation, choice of significant other, or hair style should be a moot point. Too bad Parker is not "down with the cause" enough to know this. Shoving Black people into boxes - again, is probably not "down with the cause" either. Just call me a 'cornball sister.'

Parker is suspended "until further notice." Now that he has some time off, Parker will have the opportunity to take some anti-ignorance classes.  

"So as the president said, when he was up here with the governor, we’re not going anywhere. We’re not not going anywhere. And you’ve got a homeboy in the deal who gets it." Joe Biden said this to a group of Hurricane Sandy survivors in New Jersey today. Did he mean President Obama? Or Crazy/Uncle Joe himself? Now, we appreciate the VPOTUS' candid nature but this isn't the first time he has used coded racist language. Is this a dog whistle?  

Yes, you can buy this t-shirt at Wal-Mart. No, you probably shouldn't. Enough said. It's official: Two Person Boycott.

When reporter Luke Russert, 27 (son of Meet the Press' Tim Russert), asked Nancy Pelosi, 72, if she was too old to remain as the House of Representatives minority leader, the reporter was met with a room full of boos.


She continued to put the reporter in his place by stating, "Everything that I have done in my almost decade now of leadership is to elect younger and newer people to the Congress.” 


What is even more asinine is that the Duke Athletic Department allowed the blackface photo to be posted on its blog. The photo was taken down after complaints.

The conspiracy filled blogs and news articles suggest these unmarried women are birthing "anchor babies" and "the future carjackers of America."  Evidently, those commentators neglected to read the CDC report, or even glance at its Abstract. The total number of non-marital births has been on a three year decline.

70 percent of these women were Girl Scouts during their youth. Between both houses of Congress, 60 percent of our female representatives were Girl Scouts. Newly-elected Senator Elizabeth Warren even served as a troop leader.

Why do those who Scout as kids grow up to be the leaders of tomorrow?

Anna Maria Chávez, CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA believes it is because, "From the very beginning the whole mission of this organization has been to create girls who are very sensitive and in tune with their community needs. We develop not only leaders, but leaders with a political conscience."

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor appeared on Sesame Street and explained that being a princess is not a career. But Justice Sotomayor stepped up to the plate and defined a career as something more than passively waiting for your Prince Charming to arrive. This Sesame Street clip is particularly important since Harvard Law School and Princeton University graduate Michelle Obama would like to trade places with Beyonce. (We'd like to see Justice Thomas acting with a puppet instead of acting as one.) 

But what happens to these women after the affairs end and the men go on to lead another equally as grand organization? If they are like Monica, all they get is a lame handbag line and a busted Jenny Craig endorsement. It's not okay that former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner sent pictures of his genitals over Twitter or that David Letterman had an affair with one of his interns. It seems as if these men start to feel invincible, and prey upon the nearest female subordinate. Good thing Jenny Craig and QVC are ready to offer the women a little change in exchange for their ruined careers.

Released on Election Day, this video is ridiculous. We couldn't come up with any other words to describe it. Note the nonsensical lyrics below.  

Yes, they rhymed Michelle Obama with Jeffrey Dahmer.

Maybe the franchise will get it together at some point. These ads don't exactly look good, especially due to the fact that the Knicks have lost a number of sexual harassment lawsuits over the past ten years. More here.

M argues "Don't let the Klan adopt-a-highway":
Just as Justice Thomas wrote in his dissent for Virginia v. Black, the case that struck down a Virginia statute which criminalized all cross burning, “one cannot burn down someone’s house to make a political point and then seek refuge in the First Amendment, those who hate cannot terrorize and intimidate to make their point.”  
J argues "Let the Klan adopt-a-highway":
As I am never one to agree with Silent Thomas, it is of note that his logic is flawed here. (And his opinions are poorly written.) To quote a superior justice, Justice Holmes (in Abrams v. US): “The hallmark of the protection of free speech is to allow 'free trade in ideas' – even ideas that the overwhelming majority of people might find distasteful or discomforting.” Justice Brennan said later in Texas v. Johnson: “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.”     


The fourth graders at Harlem Prep remind us to "Vote For Somebody!" We're happy these kids are our future.

Even the Justice Department assisted with court filings saying, "The practical reality is that Indian voters in Big Horn, Blaine and Rosebud counties do not have the same opportunity as white voters."

But this wasn't good enough for Cebull. He said these realities were not extreme enough to force the government to set up the sites.  

Not that we'd expect better from Cebull, who is stepping down from the bench, because he sent a racist email referring to the president as an animal.

No, this isn't a teen novel or a soap opera. It's a sexist radio ad for Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI). Women are not this dumb. And I hope this Real World alum realizes it soon.  

Wonder why we say 'breasts' instead of 'women' doing theses activities? Because, if you view the PSA, you might think that women aren't even involved. There are no faces of any of the owners of these bouncing bosoms in the entire ad. The only face is that of the crying infant before the magical mammaries come to the rescue. 

Domestic violence used to occur behind closed doors, but technology like video bloggers, Twitter, camera phones, and TMZ create a culture almost used to seeing these depictions. This type of violence occurred behind closed doors for probably as long as doors existed, but the difference between then and now is viewers' access to the violence and viewers' ability to chime in, to "like," and comment about these harrowing acts. Is our culture becoming desensitized to these acts? Why are some people defending and cheering these men on?

And a special note to all of you considering the use of face paint for the upcoming Halloween festivities. The only face painting that is acceptable is painting your face orange if you are dressing as a pumpkin or painting your face green if you are a witch. (Think: Mask, yes - blackface, no.) But other than that, if you are white/Black/etc. you probably shouldn't paint your face to try to match the color of another race. (Rule of thumb: You can paint your face, just not the color of another race.) But if you do, expect the shunning. And maybe a shift kick to some part of your body. SBW obviously doesn't support violence but we've seen it happen before. You've been warned.    

When we were in high school, no one was jailed for dress code violations or for going to the bathroom without permission. However, in east Mississippi authorities arrest students who commit relatively minor infractions. Where do these students go? Perhaps to the local juvenile hall? No. The county's policies allow police to ship students 80 miles to a juvenile detention center sans legal representation or probable cause.

Jarecki told Ebony magazine, "The drug war shouldn’t be mentioned without the word fail in front of it so there is never any doubt. It’s a failure on every level. It’s up to us to put the issue to bed." 


The hotel manager stated that it "didn't take credit cards from those people," and admitted that his reference to "those people" meant "Black people." Someone needs to tell Travelodge that it is 2012, and alert the company to the holding in the 1964 Supreme Court case, Hart of Atlanta Hotel Inc., vs. United States, where the Court found that private businesses could not deny public accommodations and discriminate on the basis of race.

While it's nice to see a more diverse group of women in one of the most popular movie franchises, SBW objects to these being the only images of women Disney promotes as worthwhile. Most of these other female characters did a whole lot of sleeping, hoping, and waiting for men to come and save them. Cinderella got new shoes. Sleeping Beauty took a nap. Rapunzel grew long blonde hair. Jasmine hung out with her pet tiger. And now Sofia learned how to be a lady-like princess, which is perfectly in line with the other passive princess Disney themes.

This is a shame.

We know it might be harder to create a system that seeks to make improvements across the board but it's possible. Why not seek to have all students reading and doing math at or above grade level? Sure it's difficult but what's the point of having a Board of Education if it does not seek to educate students? All students.  

SBW things that perhaps if one has salt and pepper hair, one should be smarter. Just saying. We'd like to think most 42-year-olds have a bit more common sense. Especially if they have a father running for the highest political office in the land.

Can anyone say white privilege? Can you imagine what would happen if Sasha and Malia (as adults) made comments like this about a sitting white President? There would undoubtedly be a Ted Nugent-like meeting with the Secret Service. This is white privilege in action. 

“I think we squandered a really important cable network, when it really could have been the voice of Black America. We’re losing our voice as a race as a result. I’m really worried about what our young people are watching. There are so many young people who are using the television as a babysitter. We have parents who are not being parents and not monitoring what their children are watching.”

"There is nothing worse than a bunch of mean, hateful women. They are diabolical in how they can skewer a person. I do not see that in men." That's right - Janis Lane thinks giving women the franchise was a bad idea. In fact, because she deems women too emotional, unstable, and dishonest, she votes to cancel out the lady crazy. 

Miami University officials did not alert its students about the flier because they did not feel it was a threat. Perhaps the sick minds that not only created the flier, but posted it, are a threat to the community.

Alicia M. Walters of the ACLU of Northern California said, "Pregnant women are the most vulnerable and the least threatening in the prison system and should rarely, if ever, be restrained."

Many doctors and nurses say that chaining women during any stage of pregnancy and especially during childbirth is harmful to mothers' health and the health of babies. The American Medical Association, in a 2010 resolution, deemed shackling of pregnant women to be "barbaric," unsafe, and "medically hazardous."

SBW wants to know how many women have escaped prisons or hospitals during childbirth.

Are you shopping for a golliwog? Perhaps a holiday gift for your racist friends and family members? Well look no further than Etsy. You know - "your place to buy and sell all things handmade." You can buy a cute fabric mammy golly. (Emphasis on the word "cute.") You can also find a a Shoeshine Black Boy. (This one has a "Sambo type smiling face cute." Yes, "face cute" not "cute face".) There's an Aunt Jemima figurine and even a Black Cannibal Headhunter. There are over 70 items for you to choose in all.

Perhaps NAACP President Ben Jealous said it best. “The tape brings to light what so many New Yorkers have experienced in the shadows at the hands of the NYPD. It is time for Mayor Bloomberg to come to grips with the scale of the damage his policies have inflicted on our children and their families. No child should have to grow up fearing both the cops and the robbers.”

It's incredibly sad that the policy of "don't ask, don't tell" applies to our servicemen and servicewomen in regard to sexual assault. Why isn't more being done? 

She's still advocating "Growing up proud, just like me" - the tagline for the doll that sought to help teach self-esteem among little girls of color. Even Kenya blogs now - she can tell you more. 


Gender selection practices are a booming business in the United States, drawing clients from across the world.  Fertility clinics in New York and LA charge $45,000 to couples who want to pick the gender of their soon to be conceived children. Who knew eugenics was such a thriving business? 

So do these studies give credence to the idea that we have to look like a lady and act like a man in order to be successful in the workplace? SBW hopes not.

Was the lesson that interracial friendships are only necessary to the extent that individuals need to prove a point to racist elderly people? Is it that it is not problematic for a minority group to discriminate against having acquaintances from another minority group? Is it that there is no problem with hiring Black friends? Is it that if someone votes for a Black person for President they don't possibly have any problem inviting a Black person into their home? Is it that it's problematic to try to make your Indian American friend to pass for other races? Is it that interracial friendships only form because both parties do not want to be perceived as racist?

Don't forget, the Romney-Ryan team was sure to float Ryan's dating history right after he was announced as the vice presidential pick. Ryan dated a Black woman in college. We're still not sure how this is relevant to the ticket. Perhaps, it's the old standard, 'well I dated a Black person, so I can't be racist' sentiment.

Many of the issues facing America have racial implications, but the concern is that politicians are interjecting racial code words into partisan politics to instigate fear and distrust.

In the days leading up to Davis' execution, mainstream television media followed the story closely. A few days after the execution, there were no mentions of his name. Over the last few days, the name Troy Davis has failed to grace the airways. No 'above the fold' stories were written.

Although some strides have been made, as a few states have invalidated the death penalty altogether and the U.S. Supreme Court has invalidated the death penalty for minors, the United States is still behind among the rest of the world. Many of the countries it seeks to malign execute its citizens just like the U.S. Let us hope that we can learn something from Davis' execution about how our government and media should really operate in 2012. We must demand better.

The sad thing is that these bigots have no problem with calling Stenberg the N-word and the B-word publicly on social media forums.  As I always say, I like an open racist.  And these people aren't hiding the ball.  There doesn't seem to be much subtlety here.    

Seriously, people, you may be able to whitewash things in your mind but you can't do it in the real world.

An impostor Abercrombie & Fitch website fooled consumers by selling fake "Abercrombie & Fitch N***er Brown Pants." 

Given Abercrombie's sordid history, it was not implausible to believe the N-word pants were real. Needless to say, SBW maintains its Two Person Boycott of that store. We encourage you to join us.

Prior to a few weeks ago, I thought it was an obvious fact that you don't need a semi-automatic weapon to do neighborhood watch in a gated community.

His only crime was minding his own business and looking 'suspicious' to a wannabe law man with a semi-automatic weapon. Let us hope Trayvon's killer will be brought to justice. 


Here's her Linked In profile.  Among her 'Skills and Expertise', she lists curriculum development, instructional design, and literacy. No where does she mention racial insensitivity. 

Seriously, Bart - shut it down. Or find a new career. Students today have enough trouble with bullying already without additional problems from teachers.

Instead of villifying a bright 13-year-old, why not acknowledge that she has a valid point?  Our education system is in dire need of help in many areas and students like Williams should not be casualties of a failing system.   

Kudos to you, Miss Williams for continuing to speak the truth even when others do not care to listen.  As a Supreme Court justice once said, "Eloquence may set fire to reason."  You are off to a great start.  

45. President Obama Not Allowed to Shovel at African American History Museum Groundbreaking

Look around, apparently they let him hoist a shovel for other types of groundbreakings. President Obama attempted to participate, but after he stood up and unbuttoned his jacket, Smithsonian officials told him 'No Shovel for you.'

"I hope somebody makes a movie about Obama's life soon because I could play him.  That's the goal."  Drake also claims to be studying Obama's voice inflections and practicing impersonating him. "I want to do something for my culture...[for] the younger people who are still in tune with everything going on," saying that he is currently writing with colleagues. 

We're not saying that graduating from high school or refraining from use of the N-word in iambic pentameter are prerequisites - but it might help.  

However, current voter ID laws may just be a modern day poll tax

If the goal is to have equal access to the polls, then perhaps charging any fee for a document needed to vote is arguably a poll tax.  Until this point, we thought poll taxes were a thing of the past.  Hopefully, these voter ID laws will soon be a thing of the past too.

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working. I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."

No, these are not the words of a klansman but of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.   


Dear Jay-Z:

Times have progressed dramatically between one of your first hits “Ain’t no N***a” and your most recent chart-topper “N***as in Paris.”  [We saw you in the VIP section at Barack Obama’s inauguration as America’s first Black President in 2009 and are fairly sure no one greets him with, "Hey my, n***a.  Why don't other African Americans deserve an equal amount of respect?]

"Jim Crow was never like big fun in the kitchen."