
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Can Anyone Say White Privilege? Tagg Romney 'Jokes' About Taking 'Swing' At President Obama During Tuesday Night's Debate

Mitt Romney's oldest son, Tagg, said that Tuesday's presidential debate made him want to "take a swing" at President Obama.

That's right, Tagg told a North Carolina Radio host that Obama calling Romney untruthful made him want to "jump out of [his] seat and ... rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him." Tagg went on to say:

"But you know you can't do that because, well first because there's a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because this is the nature of the process, they're going to do everything they can do to try to make my dad into someone he's not. We signed up for it. We've gotta kinda sit there and take our punches and then send them right back the other way."

SBW things that perhaps if one has salt and pepper hair, one should be smarter. Just saying. We'd like to think most 42-year-olds have a bit more common sense. Especially if they have a father running for the highest political office in the land.

Can anyone say white privilege? Can you imagine what would happen if Sasha and Malia (as adults) made comments like this about a sitting white President? There would undoubtedly be a Ted Nugent-like meeting with the Secret Service. This is white privilege in action.

Too bad we all know nothing like that will be done. Read more here