
Sunday, May 5, 2013

What exactly does it mean to "get ghetto in the bedroom"?

Well, as if the ghetto blaster purse were not enough, you can now buy the Hoodie Pillow Case, which "lets you get ghetto in the bedroom." It "offer(s) a degree of warmth while ensuring you have that rather mysterious look whenever your hoodie is up." For only $19.99, you can order the pillow from an online company and receive a heavy dose of ghettoness in the mail.

Yep, that's exactly what I want when I sleep. Warmth. Check. Mystery. Check. Ghettoness? We don't think so.

It even includes a pocket for your phone so you won't lose it while being stopped and frisked in your dreams. (Our commentary, not theirs.)

We are not posting the link because if you want to purchase the Hoodie Pillow and get ghetto in the bedroom, find it yourself.