
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Newt Gingrich - Not a Friend of 'the Blacks' or the Latinos

We've already mentioned his racially-charged messages through out his political career and desperate attempt to make it into the White House.

This is not the first time Newton Leroy Gingrich has used racially charged rhetoric.  

He's had to apologize [with a poor attempt at speaking Spanish] for urging schools to ban ESL programs and opt instead for English immersion programs so that Latino immigrants can learn the language of "prosperity" and escape the language of "living in the ghetto."

Now, I'm all for openness.  Tell us how you really feel!  

We all know the problems with implicit and hidden racism.

Give me Barry Elton Black or Newt Gingrich any day over a person who keeps their racist [or sexist] views inside.

Shame, shame, Newt.  Get your act together or go away.  

Watch Jon Stewart and Wyatt Cenac on Newt's Racist Rants Here.