
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bananas Thrown at Italian Minister

Cecile Kyenge, who became Italy's first Black minister in April, has faced more than a few racist remarks since taking office. Last Friday, a heckler in the audience threw bananas at her as she spoke. 

Italie: Cécile Kyenge, une congolaise nommée ministre de l’Intégration en Italie
On other occasions, one senator linked Minister Kyenge to an orangutan and another councilor said she "should be raped so she understands how victims of crimes committed by immigrants feel." The senator later apologized and the councilor received suspended jail time. Minister Kyenge has been threatened and attacked with racial slurs on almost a daily basis so these antics are, unfortunately, nothing new for her. 

Kyenge said the bananas tossed at her were a waste of food. Sadly, these racist acts are still a part of the lives of women of color politicians who are trying to make a difference in the world.

Read more here.