
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

White House Aide: With These Republicans, "There'd Still Be Slavery Today"

During an MSNBC interview, NBC's Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd reported that a "very smart White House aide" told him that with the current tide of politics in Washington "there'd still be slavery."

That's a tall charge.

Todd posed the "Lincoln analogy" to the aide which asked about the similarities between Lincoln's fight to pass the 13th Amendment (outlawing slavery and involuntary servitude) and Obama's plan to raise the tax rates on wealthy Americans. 

This Lincoln analogy elicited a response that highlighted the disconnected politics rolling through Washington.

“You know, with this Republican — with the way politics of Washington are today, there’d still be slavery. Lincoln wouldn’t have been able to navigate the polarization between the media, between this ”--unnamed White House Aide