
Monday, November 19, 2012

'Party Like a Pilgrim and Drink Like a Indian' Flier

In honor of one of America's arguably racist holidays, a DC bar advertised its Thanksgiving celebration in a particularly offensive way. McFadden's is inviting its patrons to, "Party like a pilgrim and drink like a[n] Indian."

Partying like a Pilgrim must entail committing genocide against a group of Native Americans and celebrating their massacre with a of can of domestic beer. We weren't around during the founding of America, but we wonder, did the the Pilgrims and Native Americans sit around as drinking buddies before or after the Pilgrims raped all the women in the villages? Obviously, we are excluding the totally implausible love fest between John Smith and Pocahontas.

Sadly, McFadden's is not the first bar to invite its patrons to "drink like a[n] Indian." In November 2010, Station 280 in St. Paul, Minnesota used a similarly offensive advertising campaign.

Note the drunk cowboy slumped on the floor with a passed out Native American and don't miss the scantily clad female who hardly passes as Pocahontas.

Surely racist advertising gets these businesses attention, but the United States consistently ignores how it almost obliterated Native Americans. Such ads are not acceptable, and neither is America's past and present treatment of Native Americans.

Ironically, November is Native American History month.