
Monday, October 15, 2012

Sexualizing the VP Candidates

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan has 6% body fat. And the reason why anyone cares is because photos of him flexing and running bare-chested keep surfacing.

Paul Ryan (on right) with P90X creator Tony Horton
When Time named Paul Ryan runner-up in its 2011 Person of the Year issue, it featured the Wisconsin Congressman in a series of beefy work-out shots. Stories about Ryan's physical stature bring to mind the relentless sexualization of Sarah Palin during the 2008 election. There were stories about her hair, her glasses, and even the height of her heels.

The 2008 election cycle had many cries of sexism, not only with the Palin fascination, but with its coverage of Hilary Clinton from her colorful blazers to her campaign tears. In 2008, it seemed like the media was targeting the female candidates with its sexual coverage. However, the Paul Ryan camp seems to be championing the sexualization of the VP hopeful. It's proven that "sex sells."

After reading a Slate article requesting some Paul Ryan-porn, it seems that at this point, America expects their politicians to be a little bit sexy. More here.