
Monday, April 2, 2012

Did Rick Santorum Almost Say the N-Word? Aka Is Rick Santorum Dumb Enough to Almost Say the N-Word With Cameras Rolling?

Last week, a video surfaced of GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum speaking at a rally in Janesville, Wisconsin.  Santorum said, "We know the candidate Barack Obama, what he was like - the anti-war government nig..."

Come again, please?

What other words start with 'nig' besides besides the n-word?  Niggardly, perhaps and a few other non-racist words.  But most of them don't start with a hard 'nig'.   

Of course, Santorum is denying he made such a faux pas.

Is this 'nig' incident like Santorum's infamous "I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money..." comment that he later took back and said that he said "bla" as he started to say another word?

"Bla" people?
"nig" Obama?

Could be. 

You be the judge. Watch here.